Accueil Marcel How Kiehl’s wants to remind what should be the only true skin care routine for kids

How Kiehl’s wants to remind what should be the only true skin care routine for kids


Temps de lecture : 1 min

Children are no longer children. This is the sad realization that all of America has been making in recent months. Millions of children, aged between 6 and 11 years old, predominantly girls, have adopted adult skin care routines. They go as far as raiding stores to buy products at exorbitant and unnecessary prices for them, such as anti-aging creams. This practice also represents a real threat to their health, as many dermatologists have warned.

In addition to the health issue, it's also a psychological threat to all these children. Self-construction through an impossible perfection is lamentable.

Kiehl’s has decided to stand up against this problem through an advertising campaign. The goal is to raise awareness and remind everyone that our kids should stay kids.

In this series of visuals, for example, one can see a group of children by the seaside, covered in mud from head to toe, with a message "The only face mask kids should put on." Or two children laughing as they walk through a spray of water accompanied by the phrase "The only toner kids should be sprayed by." Two other visuals show a girl with her face covered in ice for "the anti-aging cream" and two children burying themselves in the sand for "the skin scrubbing."

Reminding of the uniqueness and transience of childhood is the driving force behind this campaign. It doesn't just target parents but the entire society, which must mobilize to ensure that our children don't grow up too fast.

The campaign also reminds of the importance of using suitable skin care. Kiehl’s doesn't want to discourage caring for children's skin, only those products adapted to their skin and needs. Essentially, hydration and sunscreen. The rest can wait.

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