Accueil Marcel Prime Video and Marcel content includes potentially sensitive content.

Prime Video and Marcel content includes potentially sensitive content.


Temps de lecture : 1 min

On November 4, French renowned director Olivier Marchal returns with Overdose, a fast-paced action film, only available on Prime Video.

The film follows Sara, a captain in the Toulouse (south of France) police, as she investigates a high-speed road drug smuggling that is linked to the murder of two teenagers, an investigation that is being handled by Richard, a cop in Paris. Forced to work together to find the murderer and stop the bloody smuggling, Sara and Richard, with their diametrically opposed methods, find themselves in a breathless race against time on the roads of Spain and France.

For the launch of Overdose, Prime Video and Marcel pay tribute to the film's concentrated action.

Tell me it's an intense action movie without telling me it's an intense action movie.

On social media, you may come across the phrase "Sensitive content. The following media includes potentially sensitive content" preventing you from accessing the content in question, unless you click on "View" anyway. 
These codes are usually reserved for Instagram or Twitter, but Marcel decided to take them out of their digital universe and use them in a poster campaign in the Paris subway. 
A simple way of saying everything (action, violence, nudity, etc.) while showing nothing to increase the desire to watch the trailer (available by scanning the QR code "anyway").


Prime Video
Brand Marketing Manager: Oriane Barioz
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Business Director: Lucile Wissocq
Account Managers: Ilana Descourtieux & Emmanuel Munck
Project Managers: Flavie Parize & Camille Basset
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A propos de Marcel

Marcel est l’une des agences créatives les plus primées du Groupe Publicis dans le monde. Elle abrite depuis 2011 un nombre toujours croissant d’annonceurs qui veulent faire bouger les lignes de leur catégorie et refusent le statut quo. Sa capacité à mettre la créativité sous toutes ses formes au service de la transformation du business des clients a donné à l’agence son motto : Make Things That Change Things.

Contacts presse

Aliou Maro - Directeur de la communication - +33633329519


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