Accueil Publicis Conseil Stay focused on what matters
Publicis Conseil

Stay focused on what matters

Publicis Conseil

Temps de lecture : 1 min
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In January 2022, AXA reveals its new heart-warming Motor Insurance campaign in collaboration with Publicis Conseil: Birders.

Through this heart-warming piece of communication, AXA celebrates people with resilience, through a simple, yet powerful message, “Stay focused on what matters”.

This multi-country campaign will be aired in 2 countries (Switzerland and Ireland) and leverages a cultural and deeply rooted common insight:

It’s often during difficult times that we realize that some things are more important than others.

This campaign puts ‘real-life’ at its heart, making the role of AXA part of a wider emotional story. Should the unexpected happen, AXA’s top notch Motor Insurance will take care of everything, so that the meaningful things in life don’t take a backseat and life keeps being enjoyed to the fullest.
The film tells the story of a Yara, a little girl who’s extremely curious and blazingly full of life. One day, she’s left in the care of her grandfather, a hard-nosed and slightly grumpy old man who has retreated to solitude and the confines of his own home. She discovers his passion for birdwatching, which quickly becomes hers too.

The film explores how their relationship grows and that love, and passion, will always conquer all.

AXA keeps moving away from a problem/solution mechanic towards a more insightful and emotional tone through powerful storytelling.

Acclaimed Australian Director, Sean Meehan, brings a touching and true cinematographic piece with a 4-minute long edit.

The music is an original composition by British composer/orchestrator Sam Thompson (Sex Education, Rocketman), in collaboration with Christophe Caurret (Prodigous).

Post-Production was orchestrated by Prodigious. The film was graded by colourist Eric Whipp (Mad Max: Fury Road).

Launching in January in Ireland, followed by Switzerland in April this integrated campaign will be deployed throughout 2022.

Watch the campaign here
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Julie Foulet - – +33 6 37 15 42 52


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