Publicis Conseil


Publicis Conseil

Temps de lecture : 1 min
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For the past 10 years, Publicis Conseil has been working with Stop VEO and the Fondation pour l'Enfance, and has made several campaigns that had a huge impact and led to the law to abolish ordinary educational violence, which was enacted on 11 July 2019. France then became the 56th state to ban ordinary educational violence.
But, even today, and while scientific evidence of the medical and social repercussions of such violence is clear, educational violence are still sometimes considered legitimate by the French. This new campaign is a reminder of the law and helps to bring about violence-free behaviour towards our children.
Publicis Conseil has come up with a simple film that highlights the obvious: what if we respected the child as we respect the adult?
The film directed by Antoine de Bary (ICONOCLAST), with great accuracy, shows a daily life situation between a father and his child, a situation that allows us to transpose what we do between adults and what we should do with children: privilege dialogue to avoid resorting to violence.
The film "Talks " can be found here:
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Julie Foulet - - +33 6 37 15 42 52



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